Friday, January 20, 2017

Fake it till you become it

Something I think i'm reallly good at is singing which I'm really passionate about. I've been singing since I was speaking full sentence. I just know that I love singing and that its a big aspect in my life. But something that I need more confidence in is Math, I always feel as if im the dumber one in the class cause I don't know so much, Or I don't understand as well as the other. In conclusion I think I'm pretty good at singing and I think im decent at math.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I Am From

I am from loyola hospital
From doctors and nurses
I am from Chicago
From tall buildings and flashing lights.

I am from berwyn
From heritage and mcdonalds
I am from my room
From bed sheets and pillows

I am from school
From homework and ipads
I am from friends
From secrets and jokes

Friday, January 13, 2017

Most thoughtful thing i did over break

The most thoughtful thing i did this winter break was that me and my sister pitched in lots of money for my brother, so my brother didn't technically get anything for christmas because my grandma didn't get his gift cards yet so me and my sister pitched in almost all our money for him because we both hate seeing him sad. And after we surprised him with the money he got super happy which made me so happy.