Friday, December 2, 2016

Origin of my name

Well I don't really know why my parents named me this but I know i was supposed to be named something else but my dad decided destiny fit me. Now I know why I was named Anna which is my middle name, I was named after my grandma but her names spelled Ana which was how mine should have been spelled but my parents put it with 2 N's. My last name is my dads and obviously it's just past down from his side of the family. I sometimes get asked if I like my name, and I actually really do. I don't really know lots of destinys and I think it's a unique name. I don't know if i like my middle name as much as I do with my first name but I do love my grandma so I wouldn't really ask for anything different. Lastly I don't have a problem with my last name, I actually really like it.

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